New guarantee options for our Segregated Funds and Registered Investment Account (RIA)
New guarantee options have been added to our existing offering. The 75/75 and 75/100 guarantees are now available for segregated funds and our low-fee investment accounts (RIA). Learn more
New competitive compensation structure
Compensation structure has been harmonized for all options to provide more choice and flexibility. Learn more
New Select Portfolios
These funds take a more global approach and include some exposure to passive investments using exchange traded funds (ETF) from leading providers. Learn more
Our approach includes a concentrated list of sophisticated investment solutions and combines them with a sales process that is both easy, comprehensive and compliant.
How it works?
Simply choose the portfolio that best suits the clients risk tolerance and our expert portfolio manager, Louisbourg Investments, will take care of the fund selection and will implement the investment strategy.
How it works?
The RIA is an investment product, in the form of an annuity contract, similar to a segregated fund contract, except that the premiums are deposited and kept in the Assumption Life’s general account. The return on investment mirrors the return made by the reference funds or strategy selected by the client. This allows us to offer highly competitive management fees.
*Gross compensation payable by Assumption Life. Net compensation could vary as per MGA. The information herein is accurate at the time of publication refer to the compensation guide most up-to-date information. First year and renewal (trailers) commissions are reduced by half on the following funds: Canadian Bond Fund, Assumption Conservative (Wrap portfolio) and SmartSeries Income Fund.
How it works?
SmartSeries follows a glide path that adjusts the underlying mix of investments and risk over time. The fund’s investment allocation becomes more conservative over time, thereby minimizing risk as your target date approaches.
With Vesta, you have access to our complete investment offerings.